
This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton Season 2 edition 18; the eighteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.


 Walking on the right side,
sitting always on the left,
taking the 7:57 am train,
sleeping on the way.

Switching on the computer,
arranging the desk,
rubbing sleepy eyes,
yawning my way to reminders.

11:30 am fruits time,
1:00 pm lunch time,
4:00pm snacks time,
7:00 pm leave time.

Weekend life,
weekday work,
Innumerable presentations,
Infinite client meetings.

Dreaming about marine drive,
movies back to back,
window shopping with girlfriends,
trekking with naturelovers.

Need of the day,
Need of mind,

Need of creativity,
Need of motivation,

Travelling unknown places,
sketching abstract,
playing with streams,
lazying on the bench.

Counting the stars,
sleeping in arms,
mischief in the eyes,
catching dandelions.

Need of the day,
Need of mind,

Need of creativity,
Need of motivation,

Time to lounge,
time to dream,
time to flirt,
time to sleep.
Time to Change...


The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
Photo courtesy : here



  1. yup the need is change..very well wriiten:)

  2. Typical Teen/yooung adult life :) I enjoyed it !

  3. liked it a lot... sum times u r going through sum blogs n suddenly u stop n read sum thng wich makes u like its my stry its my life... its like u can connect wid d blogger's writing...

  4. Nice poem with very crisp lines conveying the idea well.

  5. Wow! very good one. Co-relating city life to Change was amazing!

  6. @the crtics : thanks a lot :)

    @Saket: I am happy that you enjoyed reading it :)

    @Fly like a bird: I am happy you could connect to my writing :) :)

    @The Fool : thanks :)

    @Antony: thanks a lott!! :)

  7. Nice change, I loved this poem, nice nice nice.. Smiles, mine is what most people feel in their heart but no one acts to achieve it, Change

    Someone is Special

  8. Counting the stars,
    sleeping in arms,
    mischief in the eyes,
    catching dandelions.

    beautiful words and apt too.
    Change is the need of the hour

  9. @Someone is Special : :) thanks!

    @ Md. Muddassir Shah : thanks!

  10. very beautiful words and very apt in the current corporate world... would have loved the last line to be "time to change"

  11. loved the flow in your poem and even I believe we need a change.

  12. Indeed there is a special need for change especially in the corporate sector. In a very subtle manner you surely have touched a common chord there , with many a people at once. I liked it. All the best

  13. @Aashish: I will CHANGE it :)Thanks btw

    @Pratibha: thanks dear :)

    @Maverick : No one says it, but every one feels the need. I have just put into words. I am happy to know that you could connect to it. :)

  14. thats a very different perspective of writing a poem.loved to read it. i dont write as good as like u awesome people and i havnt written this much but yeah i wud wish that once i also get to know that hows my poems are? :)

  15. @some unspoken words : Thanks dear. You are just pulling my leg, there are stalwarts out there, I am just an amateur writer who is no where near being awesome.

    You write well. :) Keep writing :)

  16. So much said!

    You are one of the few bloggers to hav exploited the Word "Change" very well.

  17. @ sneha i m pulling ur leg.. i really liked the way u write.. u r also one of those stalwarts. in fron u i m lil child who has just learnt standing on her feet in the word of writing... thanks :)

  18. @Viyoma: I am happy you feel so! :) Thanks dear :)

    @some unspoken words: You think very high of me! Thank you, it is humbling to know. Thanks :)

  19. Nice poem..and describes so well the automated and monotonous life and very rightly suggested too the need for change :)

  20. Lovely poem
    This is the routine of almost many here.... being exhausted and having no time/energy to devote for a change... it gets difficult....

  21. @Anuradha: its time to change. Do something that you have always desired to, but have not.


    Thanks :) :)


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