1st Month here

This is my first tryst with working in office and I must say I kinda like it here!!!
Weird coming from me,since I am too hard to be pleased!! (not always though).Most of my class mates have got projects for summer but Sahara One has offered me on the job . The atmosphere is quite informal (but you never know!!!).The guys (read guys and gals) am assigned to work with are amazing and very friendly. Since am the only intern here it is both plus and minus for me.Plus because I get undivided attention and also get to work with those working there rather than working with interns. Minus because I am my own company...but none the less am enjoying here.
First week was mostly sitting idle,silent observation (I know am contradicting myself!!).That week helped me to get familiar with the atmosphere here.The work here is not continuous ,there are spasms of work and dry spells too. I also went through information on basics on TV Media .
Second week came along with loads to read and being a silent spectator when the work is going on or meeting is going . Learning the nuances and the flow of work,the various departments and their significance, the different kinds of activities leading to final result were all introduced here.
Third week introduced me to the various researches and reports undertaken,The USP and weakness of the firm, the past campaigns done ,the approach of work , the hassles involved ...
Here in I was exposed more to the activities than just reading and collecting information.Third week exposed the practicalities . It also gave me the that I would be involved in the work of the forth coming campaigns!!!
Fourth week is on!! This week they have started involving me in the campaign,I have started making the Promo schds!! A small step ,I know,but a huge leap of experience (I know that sounds familiar to you, just tweaking my favourite line by N.Armstrong,"A small step for me ,but a huge leap for mankind" when he was about to Moonwalk). For the next month,there are some activities lined up for FILMY,and the atmosphere is full of excitement ,eagerness and also is tense;After all any work is bound to bring problems, friction, disagreements and difference in view point!!
But am on here and enjoy when am neck deep in work!
I really want to thank Pranita Loke and Sainath Pai ,Marketing department ,Filmy and also the Sahara One team..
Guys this is on the way of becoming a nice,memorable experience because of all of you,I hope I get more work according to my requirement and am able to absorb all that is around me and use it in the best possible way in future.
Letz c



  1. Ohh that’s a question I haven’t asked myself yet ..
    Who is my inspiration ..
    I think ‘what’ will be easier to answer …though there will be many …

    You know what?
    It s great to have a work in the first place …
    Nice to know you enjoying what you have started doing ….
    Hope the months following will be worth and rewarding … :-)

  2. oops i thought thats a permanent thing …niway .. it sure is a prologue to the big one awaiting you …

    umm I think we run for meaning coz we are meaning making beings much more than social beings …
    if we cling to any terms more, we are making the ride tough not only for ourselves but for everyone…


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